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Department of History and Archaeology


Applicants are encouraged to consult this page for admission criteria and application procedure and deadlines. There are two application periods:

1 January 2024 – 15 February 2024
Acceptance letters should be expected within the first 10 days of March

Results of 1st application period for 2024-2025

1 March 2024 - 20 May 2024
Acceptance letters should be expected within the first 10 days of June

Results of 2nd application period for 2024-2025

In order to secure a place in the MA Program the first fee installment (2500 euros) must be deposited 1-15 June 2024.

For any further inquiries, feel free to contact the Program.

Click here to apply!


In order to submit your application successfully, you will need to have the following documents at hand. For your own convenience, collect them in advance and then proceed to fill in your online application form: 

  • a pdf copy of your CV
  • a pdf copy of your undegraduate degree.
  • (If applicable) an authorized English translation of your degree in pdf format
  • a pdf copy of your undergraduate transcript of records
  • an authorized English translation of your transcript in pdf format
  • a pdf copy of your personal statement of max. 1000 words
  • a pdf with proof of proficiency in English (ITOEFL or IELTS)

Requirements for Student Visa

No visa is required for studies to enter Greece if you possess a valid passport from an EU Member State, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland. Nevertheless, applicants from countries outside the Schengen zone need a student visa. For more information, see here. The length of time needed to acquire a student visa differs from country to country. For this reason, the applicants from countries outside the Schengen zone are encouraged to communicate, as soon as possible, with the Greek Embassy in their country for information on the procedure and also on the time needed for the conclusion of the process. For a list of the necessary documents, see here. All complete applications from countries outside the Schengen zone will be processed with priority by our selection committee. Therefore we strongly encourage you to submit, as soon as possible, a complete application, in case you are interested in the ΜΑ in Greek and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology.