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Department of History and Archaeology

ΜΑ in Greek and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology


The taught part of the program consists of three core and three optional modules (10 ECTS each). The 15,000-20,000 word dissertation is on a subject of the student’s choice, supervised by a member of staff (15 ECTS). The Fall semester is devoted to the three core modules, the Spring semester to the optional modules, and the summer period is devoted to dissertation research and writing-up (dissertation submission deadline: 30 September). A prerequisite for offering each elective course is the registration of a minimum number of students, as determined by the Steering Committee at the beginning of the academic year.


Submission and assessment of module final essays and dissertation

The assessment of each module requires at least one final essay.

All module final essays and the dissertation must be submitted on time, according to the deadlines set each academic year. Short extensions may be allowed only in rare and exceptional cases (e.g. serious health problems), following a recommendation by the module professor/supervisor and the approval of the MA Committee.

 Module essays and dissertations with marks below “pass” (5/10) can be resubmitted within a new and short deadline to be re-assessed by a three-member committee excluding the module coordinator or supervisor. The resubmitted essays and dissertations may only achieve a “pass” (5/10).

In case of failure to submit a module final essay or the dissertation, the student is automatically disqualified from the MA program.